‘It will be unsustainable not to be sustainable by 2030”
Addressing more than 230 leaders from across the food at drink sector at The Planet Peach Sustainability Summit, Henry eloquently lays out the urgent challenges. And warns ‘it will be unsustainable not to be sustainable by 2030.’
But Henry remains optimistic about the role hospitality can play in driving change by acting together.
The Planet Peach Sustainability Summit brought together leaders from across the hospitality and food and drink sectors to debate, educate and collaborate on the all-encompassing topic of sustainability.
Planet Peach, a co-production between Peach 20/20 and Fleet Street, was established to help operators stay ahead of the curve in a competitive market and provide a crucial business edge and commercial context to the sustainability debate.
Headline partner: Nutritics
Event partners: Brakes, CGA by NIQ, Nestle Professional, Prestige Purchasing, Searcys, UKHospitality, Zero Carbon Forum and Zonal.